Companion Visitation Ministry


Ministry vision:

To show God’s love to those who are housebound, through visits from caring people who will socially interact with them in a manner that helps each individual feel valued and heard.

This is accomplished through volunteers who commit to visiting an assigned person bi-weekly or monthly. Training is provided to prepare the volunteers from Homebound Ministries which continues as a resource. Continued support and direction is provided by the Elders of Grace Assembly.

Many of our family at Grace, who have faithfully worshiped and served, now find themselves unable to attend services. There are people in the community who are housebound and in need of visits. We want to lovingly show them they are not forgotten, but are still a part of a caring family. Caring individuals are needed to just show up for a friendly visit.

Interested in volunteering for Companion Visitation Ministry? Do you know someone housebound who needs a visit?

Fill out your name, contact information, and a brief message.

You will be sent a description and will be contacted as to your next step.