This is my Story!


Where will the story take us…

Our new campus will maximize our ability to love the community and presents exciting opportunities for continued growth and outreach as we pursue every heart with the love to Jesus.

God’s favor has been evident throughout the process of obtaining the facilities and properties of our new campus. Through miraculous provision, Grace Assembly has been blessed with two adjacent facilities on over five acres of valuable land in a central and visible location within our community... mortgage free! It is our desire to see our new campus become a vibrant center of community activity where lives are transformed by the love of Jesus.

Investing in the next generation is at the core of who we are at Grace Assembly. We are excited that our new campus will have a facility dedicated to our NextGen ministries. Our NextGen building will be completely remodeled and customized to provide a safe space for children, teens, and young adults to encounter God.

Our goal is to use our new campus as a tool to serve our community and to fulfill the vision of pursuing every heart locally to globally with the love of Jesus. We are certain that there will be new ministries and outreach opportunities that we haven’t even imagined yet as we take this step of faith.

Why are we on the move?

We are so thankful for the faithfulness of the Grace Assembly family over the years to persevere and seek God’s will for our church. What started as a home church over one hundred years ago has grown into a multicultural and multigenerational family of believers dedicated to being God’s people, living in God’s power, and fulfilling God’s purpose. As we look forward to our new campus, we are excited to continue building on a rich legacy, reaching our community and pursuing every heart with the love of Jesus. We are so thankful that God has promised us A Glorious Future and that our story continues to be written.


NextGen is our team of ministries focused on our kids, teens, and young adults. One of our goals of the NextGen model is to create family-like relationships within and across each age group of our church family. We hope from birth to membership at Grace each person will develop sibling- like relationships within their age group; and that they view their leaders and those in the age groups ahead of them as their spiritual big brothers/sisters, moms/dads, grandmas/grandpas!
We aren’t just pastoring a “fatherless generation, we are pastoring a family-less generation.”

Take Action!

We invite you to partner with us as we seek to take our next steps into our Glorious Future.

Use the link below to make a pledge or a one-time donation.

Check Out Our Progress!

If it doesn’t load right away just wait a second, there are soooooo many great pics on the way!

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